Our first one year long:

WITNESSING IN EMPATHY - TRAINING (including journey to Auschwitz):

Witnessing Transgenerational and Collective Trauma and our  Responsibility Now

ended in January 2024. Our next initiative will be presented here latest December 2024 ...


Open Heart

Empathy for Oneself, the Others

Openess for Emergence

Lightness and Courage

without Expectations

Deep Trust in Not-Knowing

Humbleness and Surrender

Biography and Ancestry as Access

Strengthening Resources, Rituals and Sources of Agency

Perspective on Victims and Perpetrators

Staying on ... even with Fear, Horror, Shame or Numbness


Witnessing in Empathy is daring to really see and trying to feel the inconceivable. This is what our Auschwitz journeys have taught us.


The crises of the present broaden our view: in the here and now, we as a society and as individuals generate new traumata by unconsciously acting out of the old ones. We want to learn to witness them compassionately in the safe space of a familiar group. 

Owning our own history.

Thereby discovering our resources.

Embrace the complexity of yesterday and today.

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